Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Civil War Of The United States - 1233 Words

The northern and southern states of the union were developed along different lines. The South had a predominately agrarian economy while the north dealt with industry and commerce. As a result of this they had different cultures and political beliefs, which led to many disagreements and conflicts between the states. Many events occurred as a result of this conflict. These events caused the southern states to secede from the Union and ultimately led to the Civil War. The Civil War was the bloodiest battle recorded in American history. It caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries. The cause of this significant war has been a question in limbo for the past 100 years, as there are many theories as to what the main cause might be.†¦show more content†¦If this was the case then why are millions of people still in chains? â€Å"By the early nineteenth century, northern states had either abolished slavery or put it on the road to extinction, while southern states were bu ilding the largest slave society in the New World†(Roark et al. 356). As a result of this anti-slavery movements and abolitionists started to grow in numbers, and rebellions and resistance against slavery started to occur. Many had started to realize that the Union would not succeed in being half free and half oppressed. â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved, I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other† (Lincoln, The Civil War Episode 1 The Cause 1861 Ken Burns Documentary). It is believed that the Compromise of 1850 also played a part in the secession of the southern states. The job of the Compromise of 1850 was to hold the now divided union together with a set of laws dealing with the issue of slavery. Some of these laws were that California entered the union as a free state, that Utah and New Mexico were to use popular authority to decide whether or not slavery should be permitted within its boundaries, the slave trade becoming illegal in the District of Colombia and a stricter fugitive slave

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